Peter designs and delivers integrated classroom and online learning activities, leveraging a blend of methodologies to optimise learning outcomes. This is a portfolio of some activities he has designed.
Project Background: Part of a Cultural Intelligence course. This slide came after a live session, to assess learning and provide additional info.
Storyboards: Planning Guide sets the context and purpose of the learning.
Sample Planning Guide:
Learning checked through quizzes:
Multiple choice options provided:
Cultural nuances in everyday life are highlighted in the answers so that quizzes are used to add to learning:
Outcome: Lets learners to self assess and to see the learning work out within everyday life.
Storyboards: Planning Guide sets the context and purpose of the learning.
Sample Planning Guide:

Learning checked through quizzes:

Multiple choice options provided:

Cultural nuances in everyday life are highlighted in the answers so that quizzes are used to add to learning:

Outcome: Lets learners to self assess and to see the learning work out within everyday life.
Project Background: From a course on Listening Skills. This slide shows how our attitude towards the speaker affects how well we listen.
Storyboards: the first describes screen layout, and the second gives potential dialogues.
Storyboard 1: Screen Layout
Storyboard 2: Screen Content
Scenarios appeared as follows:
Participants drag and drop a 'thought' from the right side into the 'conversation':
They then choose whether this 'thought' causes MORE or LESS listening by clicking a 'headphone':
They receive some feedback on their choice:
They can choose each 'thought' to see its effect on listening.
Outcome: This shows how attitudes affect ability to listen, highlighting positive ones for participants to take.
Storyboards: the first describes screen layout, and the second gives potential dialogues.
Storyboard 1: Screen Layout

Storyboard 2: Screen Content

Scenarios appeared as follows:
Participants drag and drop a 'thought' from the right side into the 'conversation':

They then choose whether this 'thought' causes MORE or LESS listening by clicking a 'headphone':

They receive some feedback on their choice:

They can choose each 'thought' to see its effect on listening.
Outcome: This shows how attitudes affect ability to listen, highlighting positive ones for participants to take.
Project Background: From a Communication Skills course. This slide shows that whether we consider ourselves as a Victim, Villain or Helpless affects how we communicate in problem situations.
Storyboards: the first describes screen layout, and the second gives possible reactions.
Storyboard 1: Screen Layout
Storyboard 2: Screen Content
Scenarios appeared as follows:
Participants click on a 'thought' on the right side to see what she is thinking:
When her thoughts are displayed, they then click on a light bulb to see what really happened:
They then see what had happened that she did not know about and what we can learn from it:
They can choose the other 2 'thoughts' to see learning from each case.
Outcome: This raises awareness if someone is using these stories and gives reasons to avoid using them.
Storyboards: the first describes screen layout, and the second gives possible reactions.
Storyboard 1: Screen Layout

Storyboard 2: Screen Content

Scenarios appeared as follows:
Participants click on a 'thought' on the right side to see what she is thinking:

When her thoughts are displayed, they then click on a light bulb to see what really happened:

They then see what had happened that she did not know about and what we can learn from it:

They can choose the other 2 'thoughts' to see learning from each case.
Outcome: This raises awareness if someone is using these stories and gives reasons to avoid using them.
Project Background: Cultural Skills Training required learning activities to connect learners to each other and to staff and to their own latent experience of culture, all before face-to-face training in Southall. A video of life in Southall was used to invite them to share their own cultural background in a closed online forum. This is a safe way to start online since they can never be 'wrong' about their own experiences!
Technical Background:
Planning Guide in MS Office, implemented in Google Suite for Education.
Storyboards: instructions and content developed in MS Word.
Sample Planning Guide:
Invitation to forum initiated through viewing of video:
Outcome: This training helps learners to 'find their feet' when contributing online and to raise awareness of cultural backgrounds within the class. This is also 'good to know' for trainers both in online and face-to-face training.
Technical Background:
Planning Guide in MS Office, implemented in Google Suite for Education.
Storyboards: instructions and content developed in MS Word.
Sample Planning Guide:

Invitation to forum initiated through viewing of video:

Outcome: This training helps learners to 'find their feet' when contributing online and to raise awareness of cultural backgrounds within the class. This is also 'good to know' for trainers both in online and face-to-face training.
Project Background: This training was a trial version of a Conflict Resolution Skills course. It was implemented within the University of Edinburgh Masters course in Digital Course Design, which used Moodle LMS to explore ways to build training courses online.
Technical Background:
Planning Guide from previous course, implemented in Moodle LMS.
Storyboards: instructions and content were developed in MS Office.
Sample Screen:
Moodle also enables Articulate Storyline learning activities to be easily inbuilt into the training:
Outcome: This training introduced learners to an approach to address team conflict situations. This environment enabled a high level of integrated synchronous and asynchronous interaction (drag & drop activities, Skype calls and discussion forums).
Technical Background:
Planning Guide from previous course, implemented in Moodle LMS.
Storyboards: instructions and content were developed in MS Office.
Sample Screen:

Moodle also enables Articulate Storyline learning activities to be easily inbuilt into the training:

Outcome: This training introduced learners to an approach to address team conflict situations. This environment enabled a high level of integrated synchronous and asynchronous interaction (drag & drop activities, Skype calls and discussion forums).

You can see other examples of his work with Faiths & Cultures here.